Aside from the convenience of having delicious snacks delivered straight to your doorsteps here are the other perks that you can get as a member: |
Unlimited discount | Free shipping | |
Save 25% to 40% on every order, every day. | Get free shipping in the continental U.S. on all orders of $40 or more. | |
Monthly store credit | Our snack guarantee | |
Earn $6 in-store credit each month - that's $72 each year - double the cost of your membership! |
| If you don't love a snack, we'll replace it* *Smart Snack Guarantee does not apply to any of our Bulk or Wellness snacks |
Membership Payback Guarantee |
After your 14-day free trial, we're so sure you'll love our unique delicious snacks, that if you don't make back your membership fee in savings during your first year, we'll make up the difference in store credit upon renewal. With awesome price discounts, a monthly store credit, and great promotional offers you're sure to find plenty to love, and all at no risk!* *Applicable to all new NatureBox members who signed up on/after 6/10/2020 and who renew their annual membership when it expires. |